Artists & cultural institutions
Business meets culture

If you google the term cultural institutions you will find several hundred thousand hits…
…and millions more trying to explain what the term ‘culture’ means. Which goes to show that what HHP is specialising in here is a highly complex field. We provide services to cultural institutions offering organised forms of culture, such as museums, as well as organisations and institutions focusing on producing and providing access to culture. Our clients include not only public-sector cultural institutions, but also not-for-profit organisations.
As a special service for our clients and other interested parties from this field, we host an annual culture congress featuring top-level expert speakers.
Under the Austrian Artists Social Insurance Funds Act (Künstler-Sozialversicherungsfondsgesetz), the term ‘artist’ applies to people who, in the fields of the fine arts, the performing arts, music, literature, film or in any of the more contemporary forms of these genres, create works of art within the scope of artistic activity and based on artistic skills.
The artists we provide services for can focus fully on their art, leaving their tax and financial matters in the hands of HHP.